AWAKEN to your true self
You are extremely powerful, provided that you KNOW how powerful you are. The power is now mostly lying dormant in your precious being. Waiting to be unleashed and put to incredible use. There is more to life, and it is available to you right now. This first module will awaken you to your limitless potential, to your beauty, and to your power. We will also go through what it means to be self confident, and what self confident people do not spend time or energy on.
RECOGNIZE the obstacles
We trip ourselves over when we are not aware of our conditioning and when we unconsciously follow habitual responses to things that happen around us. This module is all about exposing to you how you are blocked. We are taking a closer look into how society and your life experiences have created an imbalance in your body-mind-soul constitution and separated you from your true self.
INSTALL balance
Learn to differentiate between your ego-consciousness and your powerful goddess-consciousness. The latter with which you can see beyond the physical, and when trusted, you can create your own heaven on earth. You will learn how to effortlessly balance your feminine and masculine energies so that you can gracefully lead your life on your own terms.
SHOW UP authentically
Learn to express your unique voice, your needs and your desires without fear of judgment, rejection or abandonment. Get to know your voice, your body, and your soul's unique language. Everything that is you are perfect and divine. Whatever you desire or long for is already yours. Align yourself with your true self and success will follow.
EMBODY the Goddess
Arise from the shadows of your past into your most radiant, powerful, confident Goddess self. The one who knows her worth and who lives from a foundation of love, light, and gratitude. Confidently embody your true, whole, magnificent self with a newfound love for life that will inspire you to create a life of your wildest dreams.